Oh, I'm so exciting. I can't wait to spend an evening with you. If only there was a way I could show you how much anticipation I have building up. Wait, there is. Look at my panties while I slip them off. You see how wet I am? I bet that is making you pretty hard too. Good. It just means we are both excited and ready to have an incredible evening with one another. Of course, now you know what I look like naked. What my perky tits are like. How my pussy is completely shaven. But I don't know what you look like naked. I think we are going to have to change that, don't you think? It would only be fair, right? I hope you are alright right that. I love the sight of a naked man in front of me almost as much as I love seeing an excited, throbbing man standing right in front of me. But I have a feeling I'll be seeing both.
I know, I know, it is pretty tough to look away from my body. Your eyes just want to follow every curve and my suggestive pose with my panties being pulled down is just enough to send you over the edge. But don't. I want you to save it for later. Who knows. It's hard to tell where the evening might end. I guess we'll just have to wait and find out.
Fuck, I'm such a bad girl. I need someone to teach me a lesson. Will you do it? I'm just too naughty and I need you to discipline me. Here, does this help? Let me bend over my pink pillow and thrust my ass in the air. My perfect, juicy ass. Are you alright? There has to be something I can do that makes you feel better. Hmm, what to do, what to do....You know, I do have a few things in mind, but I'd rather not just come out and say it all right away. That would completeyl ruin the surprise, and I'm not much for ruining surprises. I'd much rather show you, one at a time. But, I know you have some pretty filthy thoughts floating around in your head, and you need to be punished for all of these nasty ideas. Maybe I'll let you act some of these ideas out. But before we get to that, I am so going to reverse roles on you. Because let's face it, we are both pretty bad. I'm a bad girl, and you're the bad boy.
You better believe I like everything rough. You ever know a naughty, bad girl who doesn't like it rough? I want you to treat me like tha bad girl that I really am. Of course, that doesn't mean I don't like to be wined and dined a bit first. Take me to dinner and show me how much you care. who knows, maybe I'll slide my hand over your legs and in between to show you just how much I care. What's fare is fare, right? So, what are you waiting for? It's time for you to pick up your phone and give me a call. Naughty girls need to be taught lessons quickly, and often repeatedly.
I do so aim to please. What is it that you want me to do and I'll do it? Do you want me to dress up in a beautiful evening dress and come with you to that boring old business conference where all those old stiffs are talking on stage? I'd love to. Maybe you'd want me to dress up in something a bit more slutty to hit up the clubs? Not a problem! I'll make sure all of the other guys on the strip wish they were with you. There are a few fun things I can do for you in this hotel room before we go out. I want to make sure you know a bit more about me, and well, that means we need to spend some alone time inside of the hotel. After all, if there's something you want to do, chances are I can do it, because I really want to make you happy.
I want to be the girl you remember for the rest of your life. I want to be that found memory you have when you are old, and that one little secret you never tell anyone. I'll be that little light that no matter how bad things may get, you can always think of me and smile. Of course, just remember that I'll always be here, so if you go home and just find that life is letting you down and you need a change? Well, you can come back and give me a call, because I'll be right there, ready and waiting to give you another amazing evening. So, it doesn't matter if you are in town for an evening or for a longer period of time. When it comes to having an amazing time in good ol' Sin City, you should probably give me a call. I'll make sure you really know why it is called Sin City.